November 4, 2017


I kept the world within me
That if i speak loudly, you would stay away
You  tried to hide what I did see
Sadly, I wish I am,
The one you trust sincerely.
Until then, we achieve intimacy.


October 31, 2017

Your Birthday

Such a special day in November
When flowers start to bloom
Your mother must remember
When a son was born

The journey continued
You were on your own
Love and strength you offered
 Four kids were born

At times  your path takes a turn
Unknown  places became your home
Surprises came along
Unfamiliar faces  made known

My wish for you is sincere
The grant of your wish only you can tell
Good health, countless  love and  enough wealth
My intent wishes only I can tell

It goes without saying
That your birthday is amazing
For the love of  you and today
Lets celebrate you a Happy Birthday!

June 3, 2016

Speechless Love

I write about you in the glimmering light
Of an off-white tassled umbrella lamp
Where it shines on the paper blotted ink
And of pure innocence of thoughts here indicated

As I see your silhouette upon the glimmers of night
I see perfectly how and why I love you much
Like a light that merges its beauty in a daylight
I see my love envelopes you even through the night

Sometimes words may mean too much when uttered
It leaves traces to hearts, forgotten, remembered
But as the light slowly fades through the night
Utterly speechless I am, and so I write.

MC Arzaga


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